Delegated authority

Delegated authority transforms how child protection responses (services) are delivered to develop culturally safe and responsive ways of protecting children. Delegated authority represents a significant opportunity for positive change and as such, is a high priority action under Our Way (PDF, 5 MB) and supports efforts towards Closing the Gap and implementation of Safe and Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia's children 2021—2031.

Delegated authority implementation is part of several processes aimed to improve the outcomes for and address the disproportionate representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the child protection system.

Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services and Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP) have partnered to develop a 10 year blueprint for implementing delegated authority in Queensland.

Reclaiming our storyline: Transforming systems and practice by making decisions in our way (PDF, 936 KB) Reclaiming our storyline: Transforming systems and practice by making decisions in our way (DOCX, 1.7 MB) outlines the process and actions to be undertaken to progress this new way of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families. This blueprint also signals the shared vision and objectives surrounding this approach, which respectfully considers the readiness, priorities and needs of local communities. It is a long-term plan for shifting the decision making and delivery of child protection functions and powers to the individuals and organisations that know children and families best. The approach recognises that the change process is complex and will take a sustained commitment from the department and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander entities to work together in new ways.