Have your say
Have your say in how the new framework should be implemented
We are seeking feedback on how the proposed new restrictive practices authorisation framework should be implemented.
We want to ensure that we:
- hear from people with disability and their families, behaviour support practitioners, guardians and support providers about what we need to do to make the reformed authorisation framework work for them and how we can support them with changes to the process
- hear about specific things we can do to make the reformed framework work for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and people living in regional and remote areas who will be impacted by the changes
- gather the thoughts and concerns of other interested people, including parents, guardians, peak bodies, and advocacy groups who may also be impacted by the changes to the authorisation framework.
We want to speak directly with those who are affected by restrictive practices use in Queensland, including:
Your feedback will be used to implement a robust, efficient and safe restrictive practices authorisation framework for people with disability in Queensland.
How can you get involved?
Read the Engagement Paper
The Engagement Paper provides further information about the proposed changes and a series of questions for your consideration. An easy read version of the Engagement Paper is also available to read or download to assist with completing your submission.
Easy English fact sheets
- Fact sheet 1. Overview - a law may change. We want to hear from you.
- Fact sheet 2. A law may change. What may be different.
- Fact sheet 3. Tell us what you think.
- Fact sheet 4. Tell us what you think. Questions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
- Fact sheet 5. About restrictive practices.
- Fact Sheet 6. Restrictive practices - these things are not OK (prohibited restrictive practices)
Complete a survey
After you have reviewed the Engagement Paper, please complete the relevant survey on the Get Involved website.
There is a survey for people with disability, their families or carers and one for providers and practitioners, peak bodies and advocacy groups. Please search for restrictive practices reform and select the relevant survey for you.
You do not need to answer every question in the survey’s on the Get Involved website, however we would appreciate all or any feedback to help shape how the proposed reformed authorisation framework is implemented.
The survey will close on Sunday 22 September 2024.
Make a submission
You will find ideas to assist you in making a submission throughout the Engagement Paper. You may wish to comment on all the ideas presented, or only those that interest you. Please send your submission to:
Email: restrictivepracticesreview@dcssds.qld.gov.au
Mail: Restrictive Practices Review Team
Seniors and Disability Services
Strategic Policy and Legislation
Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
PO Box 15397
City East Qld 4002
Please indicate when making your submission if you want your feedback to remain confidential. Submissions not marked as confidential may be quoted in public documents. Please note that even submissions marked as confidential may be required to be disclosed by us where we are required by law or court order.
Acceptance of submissions will close on Sunday 22 September 2024.
If you submit a response via the survey or by making a submission, the information provided will be used to inform the implementation of the new restrictive practices authorisation framework. You will not receive an individual response to the items you address in your survey or submission.
Sharing views and experiences about the use of restrictive practices may be emotional. If these questions have made you feel sad or distressed, we encourage you to contact one of the following support services:
- Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
- 13YARN (13 92 76)
Please Note:
This engagement should not be used to make allegations of the misuse of a restrictive practice. If you suspect that a person may be in immediate danger, you should call ‘000’ immediately and report the matter to police.
If an allegation of restrictive practice misuse is disclosed to the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services, the department may be obligated to notify and share relevant information with other organisations, such as the Queensland Police.
You can make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.