Start a conversation about elder abuse

You can help someone experiencing elder abuse by starting the conversation with them.

  • Invite them to talk in a place where they are alone and safe.
  • Take their concerns seriously and listen to what they have to say.
  • Let them know the abuse is not their fault.
  • Let them know about the Elder Abuse Helpline and other services that can offer confidential help.
  • Help them with transport, appointments and a place of refuge if they feel unsafe.
  • Respect their right to make their own decisions and understand they may not be ready to take action.
  • If they don't want to talk, reassure them that you will stand by them, and will be ready to talk or help, when they ask.
  • Don't be critical or make negative comments about the abusive person.
  • Don't confront the abuser about their behaviour as this may escalate the risk of harm to all.
  • If you witness violence, or are worried the older person is at immediate risk, call police immediately on triple zero (000).

Find information about more support services available.

Respect, dignity, being safe.
The simple things people of all ages have a right to.

✔️ I choose how my money is spent

✔️ My will reflects my wishes

✔️ I am treated with respect by those close to me

✔️ I decide what happens in my home

✔️ I feel safe

✔️ I can access the things I need

✔️ I can talk to someone I trust

✔️ I am free to be with who I choose

✔️ Decisions about my life consider my wishes and best interests

If one or more of these statements aren't true for you, or an older person you know, help is available.

Elder Abuse Helpline

Free, anonymous and confidential assistance, 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday

This helpline is funded by the Queensland Government and operated by UnitingCare Community.

An experienced and trained operator will talk to you about your concerns and provide referrals to the relevant support services.

In an emergency, call triple zero (000).

Other support services