Assessment of the OneSchool Referral Process

The safety of children will always remain paramount to the Queensland Government and our department.

On 3 August 2015, the then Minister for Education requested Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Deloitte) assist the former Department of Education and Training with a review of the Student Protection and Reporting Module in OneSchool. Read about the outcome of these reports.

Deloitte was then engaged by the former Department of Education and Training on 10 August 2015 to perform an assessment of the design and execution of the data matching processes undertaken by our former Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, and to provide observations relating to relevant risks and controls associated with the matching process.

On 16 October Deloitte provided the following report to the former department:

DCCSDS Assessment of the OneSchool Referral Process (PDF, 656 KB)

The department has reviewed the DCCSDS Assessment of the OneSchool Referral Process and agrees with all of the report's recommendations. We have worked closely with the former Department of Education and Training to put additional processes in place to assure the accurate passing of child referral information.

On 29 August 2019, Department of Education and Department of Child Safety Youth and Women enhanced the way Student Protection Reports are sent and received from DoE OneSchool to a Child Safety Regional Intake Service (RIS). This enhancement means Student Protection Reports are now being sent and received by RIS via a more robust and secure delivery system, further improving information sharing between the two departments.