HSQF news and updates

1 February 2024

Human Service Quality Framework (HSQF) Quality Framework Version 9.0 and User Guide – Certification Version 9.0

On 1 February 2024, new versions of the Quality Framework (PDF, 867 KB) Quality Framework (DOCX, 2.8 MB) Version 9.0 and User Guide – Certification (PDF, 2.2 MB) User Guide – Certification (DOCX, 3.3 MB) Version 9.0 were released and published on the HSQF website.

The key updates made in the Quality Framework (PDF, 867 KB) Quality Framework (DOCX, 2.8 MB) Version 9.0 are:

  • Updates to department names and website links
  • Updates to investment specification references and service type alignment
  • Update to funding thresholds for 2023-2024
  • Addition of Other (Toth) service demonstration requirements
  • Clarification around process for inclusion of out-of-scope services.

Full details of the updates and changes are shown in the Version 9.0 Amendments – Quality Framework (PDF, 912 KB) Version 9.0 Amendments – Quality Framework (DOCX, 2.8 MB), which is also available on the HSQF website.

For organisations in-scope of HSQF certification, a number of changes have been made to the previously published User Guide – Certification Version 8.1, with the key updates in the HSQF User Guide - Certification (PDF, 2.2 MB) HSQF User Guide - Certification (DOCX, 3.3 MB) Version 9.0 being:

  • Updates to department names, terminology, definitions, legislative and policy references
  • Inclusion of vehicle safety requirements for child protection placement service providers
  • Website link updates
  • Some layout and formatting changes
  • Update to publication date for Version 9.0.

Full details of the updates and changes are shown in the Version 9.0 Amendments – User Guide - Certification (PDF, 2.3 MB) Version 9.0 Amendments – User Guide - Certification (DOCX, 3.3 MB), which is also available on the HSQF website.

The Self-assessment workbook for certification organisations (PDF, 1 MB) Self-assessment workbook for certification organisations (DOCX, 1.6 MB) has been updated to align with HSQF User Guide – Certification (PDF, 2.2 MB) HSQF User Guide – Certification (DOCX, 3.3 MB) Version 9.0. The document is provided in a Word and PDF version for use by organisations.

Please advise relevant personnel of these updated documents.

For organisations in-scope of self-assessment only against the HSQF, please contact your departmental contract officer with any questions.