Other accreditation - Process and resources

Evidence of other accreditation or certification

This information is provided to assist organisations funded under a service agreement with participating Queensland Government department/s who are required to comply with the Human Services Quality Standards, who also hold existing accreditation or certification under other human services industry standards or quality systems.

To reduce unnecessary duplication, where an organisation's existing accreditation aligns well with HSQF and is appropriate for the types of services funded by participating departments, organisations can apply for recognition of their other accreditation to demonstrate compliance with HSQF.

Evidence of other accreditation is generally accepted for the service types listed below.

Service TypesApproved other accreditation/certification
Seniors legal and support services National Accreditation Scheme for Community Legal Services
Organisations providing peak body services ISO 9001
Disability services providing advocacy National Standards for Disability Services
Organisations that provide training services Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework

Application and Assessment Process

Application process

Organisations wishing to demonstrate compliance with HSQF using other accreditation must have approval to do so. Applications for recognition of other accreditation are considered on a case-by-case basis. Interested organisations should complete the Application for recognition of other accreditation under the Human Services Quality Framework (PDF, 219 KB) Application for recognition of other accreditation under the Human Services Quality Framework (DOCX, 232 KB) form and submit it with relevant accreditation documents to the HSQF Operations team at hsqf@qld.gov.au for consideration.

Assessment process

Requests of recognition of other accreditation are assessed against a range of factors including:

  • degree of alignment between the other standards/accreditation with the HSQF
  • relevance of the accreditation to the type of services the organisation is funded to provide
  • the type and complexity of the services provided
  • vulnerability of people using services
  • level of funding investment
  • any service specific evidence requirements that may apply to the services in-scope of the HSQF
  • services funded by non-participating departments that may be in-scope of certification.

Assessment outcomes

Organisations will be advised in writing of the outcome of their request. There are two possible outcomes:

Assessment outcomeAction
Accepted The organisation will need to maintain their other accreditation for the term of any service agreement with a Queensland Government department.
When the other accreditation expires, the organisation will need to provide a copy of their new accreditation and related audit/review report to the relevant departmental contract officer.
Organisations will not be required to complete a separate self-assessment or independent third-party audit against the HSQF.
Note: Where an organisation receives new funding for service types different to those currently provided, a reassessment of the approved other accreditation is required.
Not accepted The organisation will need to comply with the required HSQF demonstration method - self-assessment or certification. Organisations will be advised a timeframe for completion of these activities.

As a general rule, other accreditation will not be accepted for participating departmental services where:

  • the other accreditation has been accessed as having limited alignment with the HSQF and/or has no direct application to services in Queensland of a similar type
  • where mandatory service specific requirements apply under the HSQF, for example, where an organisation is funded to provide child protection placement services in-scope of licensing or provides disability services subject to restrictive practices
  • when services funded by another Queensland Government department are required to achieve HSQF certification.

Standards Mapping

To assist in determining the alignment of some other industry standards and quality systems to the HSQF, independent mapping reports have been obtained of:

Streamlining opportunities

Organisations with other accreditation that is not accepted may find they can align HSQF audit activities with other audit/review activities, for example the HSQF Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) auditing scheme makes it simpler for organisations with other JAS-ANZ accreditation to undergo concurrent audits allowing relevant evidence to be considered once rather than on two separate occasions.

Further information about streamlining audits can be found in the HSQF Scheme Rules available on the JAS-ANZ website.