Tools and resources

Resources are available to support organisations, service users, families and carers to understand and actively participate in Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF) quality assessment activities. These resources include:

The Quality Pathway Kit (PDF, 1.5 MB) Quality Pathway Kit (DOCX, 790 KB) contains information, in 10 sections, to assist service providers understand and implement a quality system, work through the review process against the standards, implement continuous improvement and achieve third-party certification. Information includes:

  • Quality management
  • Establishing a quality system
  • Customer engagement
  • Policies and procedures
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Records and reporting
  • Customer and stakeholder feedback
  • Service provider self-assessment
  • Independent third-party audit
  • Maintaining quality and continuous improvement.

QCOSS resources and support

The Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) also provides a range of supports to assist the sector to implement and embed the HSQF. These supports are primarily targeted at organisations funded by Queensland Government departments participating in the HSQF.

QCOSS supports include:

One-on-one or small group support, to assist organisations that:

  • are new to HSQF to implement a quality system
  • need some support to prepare for HSQF quality assessment activities
  • have any questions or require assistance with understanding or embedding the HSQF.

Organisations can self-refer for QCOSS support using the online referral form or be referred by their contract officer.

The Quality Collaboration Network (QCN), held monthly online.

The QCN is a peer-led network for people involved in implementing the HSQF within their organisation. The QCN provides an opportunity to share experiences, information and resources on audit and quality matters.

You can register to participate in the QCN via the QCOSS events page.

A range of HSQF specific information and resources available online through the Community Door website including:

  • the HSQF quality pathways eTraining course
  • policy and procedure templates aligned to the Human Services Quality Standards. These can be downloaded free of charge and customised for use by organisations
  • Youtube videos on a range of HSQF topics, including webinars introducing HSQF, a playlist addressing frequently asked questions and interviews with service providers talking about their experienceimplementing the HSQF. These are available on the QCOSS YouTube channel.

For further information contact QCOSS:

Phone: (07) 3004 6900
Online referral form: online referral form

Other relevant websites