Advancing Queensland: an age-friendly community grants program

Over 3 years from 2017-18, $1 million per annum was available through open funding rounds to seed fund community projects involving partnerships between local government, community and other organisations to co-develop, implement and promote innovative age-friendly projects. Successful applications received one-off grant funding between $25,000 and $100,000.

Each year the grants program focused on different age-friendly domains (PDF, 557 KB) age-friendly domains (RTF, 272 KB).

Successful applicants 2019-20

Social participation and communication and information were the focus of the 2019-20 grants program.

Funding outcomes for the 2019-20 grants program were announced in September 2019.

Funding was allocated to 18 organisations to deliver a range of projects (PDF, 370 KB) range of projects (DOCX, 16 KB) across Queensland in 2019-20.

Successful applicants 2018-19

Civic participation and employment, community support and health services, and respect and social inclusion were the focus of the 2018-19 grants program.

Seventeen organisations were funded to deliver a range of projects (PDF, 460 KB) range of projects (DOCX, 14 KB)across Queensland in 2018-19.

Successful applicants 2017-18

Transport, housing and outdoor spaces and buildings were the focus of the 2017-18 grants program. Twelve organisations were funded to deliver a range of projects (PDF, 234 KB) range of projects (DOCX, 14 KB)across Queensland in 2017-18.