Talking to older people tool

To help put yourself in older people's shoes, you can use focus groups to engage and better understand issues. Here are some suggested questions structured around the 8 domains.

For each of the domains you could tell older people what you are hoping to achieve and then ask them about their experiences and suggestions.

Outdoor spaces and buildings

We want our outdoor spaces and buildings to make a positive contribution to older people and we want older people to feel safe walking around.

  • In relation to outdoor spaces and buildings, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve our outdoor spaces and buildings?


We want to make sure the public transport system is affordable, reliable and accessible.

  • In relation to transport, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve our transport system?


We want to ensure that housing is appropriate, affordable, well located and designed to meet older people's changing needs.

  • In relation to housing, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve housing?

Social participation

We want to ensure that older people are supported to participate in events and social activities that support their needs.

  • In relation to social participation, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improving social participation?

Respect and social inclusion

We want to ensure older people feel respected and included in community activities and events.

  • In relation to respect and social inclusion, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve respect and social inclusion?

Civic participation and employment

We want to make sure older people are supported to work in paid employment, or to take up volunteer positions if they chose to, and to make sure older people are involved in decision-making processes that affect them.

  • In relation to employment, volunteering and decision making, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestion to improve civic participation and employment for older people?

Communication and information

We want to make sure that older people are provided with information that is useful, timely and accessible.

  • In relation to communication and information, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve communication and information for older people?

Community support and health services

We want to ensure that community support and health services are available to enable older people to continue to live in their own homes.

  • In relation to community support and health services, what do you think is working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions to improve community support and health services?

Resources available

Printable versions of this resource and many others are available for download in the Queensland: an age-friendly community toolkit.

Download document

Queensland: an age-friendly community toolkit

(PDF, 1.9 MB) (DOCX, 103 KB)