Queensland's age-friendly future

Future Directions for an Age-Friendly Queensland outlines the Queensland Government's commitment to continuing to create age-friendly communities in which seniors feel connected, cared for and can contribute in ways of their choosing.

Future Directions for an Age-Friendly Queensland also signals the Queensland Government's commitment to deliver a contemporary and meaningful seniors strategy. The next seniors strategy will be informed by the voices of Queensland seniors sharing their views on what an age-friendly Queensland looks like, both now and into the future.

Future Directions for an Age-Friendly Queensland, and feedback received from Queenslanders, will form the foundation of the next seniors strategy.

Future Directions for an Age-Friendly Queensland was released on Tuesday 18 October 2022.

Consultation on the seniors strategy and Queensland's age-friendly future is now closed.

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Future Directions for an Age-Friendly Queensland

(PDF, 3 MB)