Search Diversity Queensland

Search Diversity Queensland is an easy to use online cultural diversity, demographic, socio-economic and geographical tool containing Australian Bureau of Statistics Census of Population and Housing data on Queensland, featuring:

  • easy to understand statistical information about Queensland's cultural diversity.
  • ability to explore various aspects of Queensland state, Electorate and Local Government Areas (LGAs) including ancestry, birthplace, religion and language.
  • ABS Census of Population and Housing data for 2011, 2016 and 2021
  • ability to generate and export profile reports based on your search criteria;
  • an interactive map outlining LGAs and state electorates; and
  • ability to explore age distributions, family compositions and other socioeconomic indicators.

Through easier access to diversity information, we can get a better understanding of who we are as Queenslanders and harness the remarkable benefits cultural diversity offers.

Explore the Search Diversity Queensland tool.