Workers rights education and support services program

The Queensland Government has approved $1,000,000 over four years to provide work rights education to migrant and refugee communities in Queensland.

Lack of access to welfare or equitable employment opportunities, low levels of English language proficiency and unfamiliarity with Australian workplace or legal systems and culture, can place migrant and refugee workers (particularly temporary visa holders) at risk of being victimised by exploitation or unfair work practices.

Program details

The Workers' rights education and support services program will include an impact study and delivery of education and support services to empower workers to understand their work rights and develop confidence in seeking rectification of issues they may encounter in the workplace.

The Workers' rights education and support services program will complement existing government efforts to achieve fairer and safer workplaces for people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Funded Organisation

Multicultural Australia will receive funding from the Workers' rights education and support services program and will work in collaboration with the Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma.