Strategic settlement partnerships

  • The Multicultural Affairs Queensland Strategic Settlement Partnerships team has been established under the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022–2032 to advocate and improve workforce outcomes for skilled migrants, those on spousal visas, seasonal workers, international students as well as humanitarian entrants.
  • The team is partnering with target corporate, community and government stakeholders to facilitate access to opportunities in industries with workforce shortages and improve workforce engagement.
  • It also supports stronger welcome and inclusion practices through our engagement with Welcoming Australia, particularly in regional areas, as well as strengthening connections regarding workers' rights and small business.
  • The team is not a settlement service provider, does not support individuals directly or individual job matching but develops connections between agencies, industries, organisations and communities at a strategic level.

By focusing on these priorities, the team will support equality of opportunity for all Queenslanders and harness the remarkable benefits cultural diversity offers to our economy and our community.

To learn about some of our recent initiatives, check out: