Inquiry into NDIS market in Queensland

In April 2020, the Queensland Government asked the Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) to undertake an inquiry into the NDIS market in Queensland.

QPC engaged broadly with people with disability, their families, carers and advocates and service providers and peak bodies throughout the consultation process, and the Queensland Government provided two submissions to the Inquiry.

The report includes 20 findings and 56 recommendations across important areas of the NDIS market.

The Queensland Government has accepted or accepted in-principle 54 of the 56 recommendations and partially supported one recommendation. One recommendation is no longer applicable.

The Queensland Government developed a response to the final report which provides a strategic direction statement to guide Queensland's efforts in improving the performance of the NDIS; and a position on each recommendation.

An Easy English version of the Queensland Government response to the final report is available. This document provides a simple summary of the report's findings and recommendations and what the Queensland Government has committed to do.

The final report provides Queensland with a solid evidence base to advocate for market policy reform at the national level and the Queensland Government is actively implementing the accepted recommendations. This includes advocating for the QPC's relevant findings and recommendations to other NDIS governing partners, including the Commonwealth Government, the NDIA and other States and Territories, as well as planning and completing policy projects for delivery by the Queensland Government and in conjunction with the Commonwealth Government.