Check if our service is suitable

If you wish to consider us as your service provider the next step is to determine whether we can provide you with a service which meets your individual needs and preferences.

To do this, we will talk to you and ask about:

  • where you would like to live and the type of people you would like to share a home with
  • which respite centre is the best location for you and the type of people you would like to spend time with
  • your health and wellbeing support needs
  • places and services in your community that are important to you and that you would like to access
  • any specialised disability access requirements that you have
  • any aids and equipment that you may require on a daily basis.

Finding out about the support you require will then help us to identify a place within our service to offer you. Once we agree on a suitable service for you, we will work with you and your family (or decision makers) to welcome you to our service and ensure a smooth transition into your new accommodation or respite arrangement.

To talk to someone about your accommodation support needs, contact one of our service locations.

Download document

AS&RS Service Booklet

(PDF, 617 KB) (DOCX, 1.8 MB)

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