NDIS quality and safeguard requirements for providers

NDIS quality and safeguard requirements apply to any organisation or person delivering services under the NDIS, and these are regulated by the NDIS Commission.

The NDIS Commission

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is the independent Commonwealth government agency providing a nationally consistent approach to quality and safeguards in NDIS services. Its role is to regulate the NDIS market, promote safety and quality services, resolve problems and identify areas for improvement.

This includes responsibility for provider registration, regulation and monitoring of providers and investigating complaints about the quality of services. Meeting quality and safeguard requirements is a condition of NDIS registration.


Quality and safeguard requirements under the NDIS Commission include:

  • Compliance with the NDIS Code of Conduct, including an orientation module for workers
  • Meeting NDIS Practice Standards
  • Ensuring a complaints system is in place
  • Reporting certain types of incidents to the NDIS Commission, including incidents or allegations of abuse and neglect
  • Complying with requirements in relation to behaviour support plans and the use of restrictive practices.

Worker screening

On 1 February 2021, nationally consistent disability worker screening commenced in Queensland to improve the safety and quality of services and supports delivered to people living with disability. The NDIS worker screening check determines whether a person is cleared or excluded from working in certain roles with people with disability. The paramount consideration is the right of people with disability to live their lives free from abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation.

Registered NDIS providers must comply with the NDIS Practice Standards which include requirements relating to worker screening. It is the responsibility of registered NDIS providers to identify roles that require a worker screening clearance. Workers providing NDIS supports or services in risk assessed roles must have a clearance before they start work. Detailed information about screening requirements is available on the worker screening website and the NDIS Commission website for: registered providers and unregistered providers.

Workers who require an NDIS worker screening check in Queensland can apply online. If a worker has a valid yellow card or yellow card exemption, they won't need to apply for an NDIS worker screening check straight away. The existing card can be used until it expires, is suspended or is cancelled.

Blue Card

People who work with children, on either a paid or voluntary basis, require a Working with Children Check (Blue Card).

Reporting Deaths in Care

The Queensland Coroners Act 2013 requires that every death in care be reported to the police or coroner, regardless of the circumstances or cause of death.

Office of the State Coroner
Phone: 1300 304 605 or (07) 3239 6193 or
Email: state.coroner@justice.qld.gov.au.

Community Visitor Program

The Community Visitor Program, regulated by the Queensland Public Guardian Act 2014, provides a rights protection service for adults with intellectual, psychiatric or cognitive impairment who live in visitable sites, and for children living in out-of-home care including those staying in a residential care facility, disability service or mental health facility. Visitable sites include disability accommodation funded or provided by Queensland Government or the NDIS. Community visitors conduct regular announced and unannounced visits to sites between 8am and 6pm any day of the week, including weekends.

Feedback and complaints

Providers can advise staff and clients that NDIS participants can take any concerns about the services they are receiving to the NDIS Commission.

Complaints or feedback relating to NDIS support plans and decisions can be made directly to the National Disability Insurance Agency by calling 1800 800 110 or emailing feedback@ndis.gov.au.

NDIS worker screening

Under NDIS quality and safeguards, NDIS providers and sole traders need to consider a wider range of roles and jobs that may require worker screening.

Restrictive practice identification tool

The following document has been prepared to help disability service providers and support workers identify if a restrictive practice is being implemented.

Restrictive practice identification tool (PDF, 692 KB)