About us

Accommodation Support and Respite Services (AS&RS) can be selected under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). We have Human Services Quality Standards certification and are able to offer our services and support to NDIS participants.

AS&RS offers supported independent living (accommodation support) and short-term accommodation support (centre-based overnight respite) for people with a primary diagnosis of an intellectual disability and who have standard or high-support needs, to enable them to live as independently as possible.

AS&RS offers supported independent living services to people with an intellectual disability living in shared households with one or more other people with an intellectual disability.

We also offer short-term accommodation support services to provide people with an intellectual disability an opportunity for a short break in one of our respite centres.

We recognise and focus on people's strengths and abilities. We know that it is important for your needs to be met with the right supports at the right time. Our staff have a range of skills and life experiences and will work with you and assist you to achieve your life goals.

We value strong partnerships and relationships with our participants with a special emphasis on establishing and building trust. Our focus is on participants and their needs, interests, choices and rights.

Our service booklet (PDF, 617 KB) service booklet (DOCX, 1.8 MB) can provide you with further details about AS&RS and the services we provide.

Download document

AS&RS Service Booklet

(PDF, 617 KB) (DOCX, 1.8 MB)

Talk to someone about your needs

To talk to someone about your accommodation support needs, contact one of our service locations.

Find out more about the NDIS