Choosing AS&RS as your provider

If you want to consider us as your provider, you can advise your local NDIS area coordinator or planner of this when finalising your NDIS Plan.

Our services may suit you if you:

  • have an intellectual disability as your primary disability
  • have met the access requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and have an approved NDIS Plan
  • are over the age of 18 years (Assistance in shared living arrangements) and have been assessed by the NDIS as having a higher level of support needs
  • are over the age of 6 years (Short Term Accommodation Support) and have been assessed by the NDIS as having standard or higher level of support needs.

Your assessed level of need will be confirmed by the NDIA during your planning meeting.

Please visit the National Disability Insurance (NDIS) Website for more information in relation to NDIS access requirements and how to become a participant.