Creating a learning environment

Preventing abuse, neglect and exploitation in disability services requires continuous improvement in service delivery.

Creating an organisational environment that values learning enhances review, monitoring and improvement processes, which then has the flow-on effect of improving the capacity of the service to respond to and prevent abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Learning environment self-audit

The Learning environment self-audit (PDF, 96 KB) can be used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a service's existing learning environment and identify areas for improvement.

The self-audit uses the following scale to assess compliance against each indicator:

N Not addressed/not present
P Partially addressed, present or implemented
F Fully addressed/present
N/A Not applicable.

Depending on the size and complexity of the organisation, the checklist could be completed by one person or may require a team. If there are multiple geographically separate service sites, it may be useful to audit each one. Normally at least one senior manager would be involved in carrying out the audit.