Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS Review)

NDIS Review

The NDIS Review commenced in October 2022 and the final report publicly released on 7 December 2023..

Under the Terms of Reference, the NDIS Review, focused on:

  • examining the design, operations and sustainability of the NDIS
  • looking at ways to make the market and workforce more responsive, supportive and sustainable.

The Queensland Government welcomed the release of the NDIS Review final report. All governments (through the Joint Statement on Australian, State and Territory responses to the Disability Royal Commission) have also acknowledged the intersections between the NDIS Review and the Disability Royal Commission final reports.

Queensland will also take a cohesive approach to disability reform, given the significant overlap of recommendations of the NDIS Review and the Disability Royal Commission. The voices of people with disability must be at the heart of this important process and the Queensland Government is committed to ensuring any reforms are developed in partnership with the disability community.

Queensland Government submission to the NDIS Review

The Queensland Government made a submission to the NDIS Review that sets out its key concerns with the operation of NDIS.

These included that it is difficult for people to access the NDIS, the quality of the NDIS planning process is inconsistent, the interface between the NDIS and mainstream services such as health, education and transport is unclear, and there are too few NDIS services and workers in some locations.

The submission puts forward that the NDIS needs to be more focused on outcomes for participants, and needs better governance that places the views of people with disability at the centre.

The submission was informed by the views of Queenslanders with disability and disability organisations.

Read the Queensland Government Submission to the NDIS Review