Restrictive Practices Review

Background to the review

The Government is committed to working closely with people with disability, their families and carers, and providers as part of a review of Queensland's positive behaviour support and restrictive practices authorisation framework. The review is considering whether improvements could be made to better align Queensland's framework with the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework (the Framework), and with draft principles for nationally consistent authorisation processes developed by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the Commission).

The review is informed by an independent review of Queensland's authorisation framework by Griffith University's Policy Innovation Hub. It is also informed by a Ministerial review, under section 241AA of the Disability Services Act 2006 (DS Act), of particular provisions of the DS Act that were inserted to support full-scheme operation of the NDIS in Queensland (including some provisions dealing with restrictive practices).


Public consultation as part of the review has now closed and the Government is considering the feedback received. Thank you to everyone who contributed their views.

We will continue to work closely with the disability sector to ensure people with disability, their families and carers, providers, and other interested stakeholders are supported to engage meaningfully in this important review.

If you have any questions or would like a copy of the independent review report, consultation paper (which includes the findings of the Ministerial review) or easy read version of the paper, please email the Positive Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practices Review team at

NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework

The Commission commenced operation in Queensland in July 2019 to implement the Framework. The Framework provides a nationally consistent approach to help empower NDIS participants to exercise choice and control, while ensuring appropriate safeguards are in place so providers deliver high quality supports.

Under the Framework, many quality and safeguarding functions have transitioned to the NDIS Commission. However, Queensland remains responsible for some discrete functions, including authorising the use of restrictive practices.

One of the Commission's functions is to assist jurisdictions develop a nationally consistent approach to restrictive practices authorisation for NDIS participants. The Commission has developed a set of draft national principles to guide this work and deliver better outcomes for people with disability, including through reduction and elimination of restrictive practices use.