Getting ready to start training

Participants undertaking the Getting Ready to Start modules in-group training are to be given copies of materials for each module, with the exception of the session plans.

  • Where one-to-one delivery of all or part of the Getting Ready to Start modules is necessary, participants can be given copies of all learning materials including session plans, power point presentations, handouts, worksheets, assessment question sheets and participant evaluation forms for each module.
  • An overall outcome of competent/not competent must be recorded for each participant on the Getting Ready to Start training - record of attendance and competency outcome form.
  • When competency is achieved in each of the training modules, participants will receive the Getting Ready to Start - statement of achievement certificate.

Foster carer applicants must achieve the Getting Ready to Start learning outcomes as a prerequisite for initial approval as a foster carer.

Water safety awareness training can also be completed as part of Getting Ready to Start training should time permit, Water safety awareness training can be found under Starting Out training

Training modules

Getting Ready to Start training consists of four training modules. Each module includes a session plan, power point presentation, handouts and assessment documents.

Module one: Context of foster care

1.1 Facilitator notes/ session plan (PDF, 1.9 MB) 1.1 Facilitator notes/ session plan (DOCX, 3.2 MB)

1.2 Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 2.2 MB) 1.2 Powerpoint presentation (PPTX, 2.7 MB)

1.3 Handouts for participants (PDF, 803 KB) 1.3 Handouts for participants (DOCX, 520 KB)

Module two: Understanding the past for a child or young person

2.1 Facilitator notes / session plan (PDF, 1.5 MB) 2.1 Facilitator notes / session plan (DOCX, 2 MB)

2.2 Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.6 MB) 2.2 Powerpoint presentation (PPTX, 5.2 MB)

2.3 Handouts for participants (PDF, 582 KB) 2.3 Handouts for participants (DOCX, 146 KB)

2.4 Assessment (PDF, 1.1 MB) 2.4 Assessment (DOCX, 112 KB)

2.5 Activities (PDF, 608 KB) 2.5 Activities (DOCX, 778 KB)

Module three: Early days in a placement

3.1 Facilitator notes/ session plan (PDF, 1.6 MB) 3.1 Facilitator notes/ session plan (DOCX, 2.3 MB)

3.2 Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.9 MB) 3.2 Powerpoint presentation (PPTX, 4.4 MB)

3.3 Handouts for participants (PDF, 543 KB) 3.3 Handouts for participants (DOCX, 1.1 MB)

3.4 Assessment (PDF, 308 KB) 3.4 Assessment (DOCX, 109 KB)

3.5 Activities (PDF, 1 MB) 3.5 Activities (DOCX, 1 MB)

Module four: Quality care - working together

4.1 Facilitator notes/ session plan (PDF, 1.4 MB) 4.1 Facilitator notes/ session plan (DOCX, 1.5 MB)

4.2 Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.6 MB) 4.2 Powerpoint presentation (PPTX, 5.9 MB)

4.3 Handouts for participants (PDF, 304 KB) 4.3 Handouts for participants (DOCX, 114 KB)

4.4 Assessment (PDF, 299 KB) 4.4 Assessment (DOCX, 108 KB)

4.5 Activities (PDF, 442 KB) 4.5 Activities (DOCX, 479 KB)

4.6 Participant evaluation form. (PDF, 227 KB) 4.6 Participant evaluation form. (DOCX, 250 KB)