Disability supports and NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for people with disability, their families and carers. The NDIS is managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

The NDIS takes a flexible, individualised approach that invests in children and young people with disability early to improve their outcomes now and later in life. It provides certainty for children and young people who become participants in the scheme that they'll have access to support to meet their changing needs and goals over a lifetime.

Benefits for children, young people and families

The NDIS model of self-direction empowers participants and their families and carers by enabling choice and control over how, when and where their disability supports and services are delivered.

Approximately 16-20% of children and young people with ongoing child safety intervention are expected to be eligible to access the NDIS.

Parents who have a disability may also receive reasonable and necessary support from the NDIS that will increase their skills and capacity to care for their children.

NDIS Child Representatives

The NDIS Act 2013 requires that participants under 18 be represented by a parent or guardian.

When we have guardianship through a short or long term child protection order, we will be the Child's Representative.

Where we have custody of the child or young person but not guardianship, we will work with the Child's Representative—their parent or guardian—to provide support through all stages of the process.

When an order grants long-term guardianship to another suitable person until the child turns 18, that person will be the Child's Representative.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people, Child Safety will make arrangements for an independent person to facilitate their involvement in making significant decisions.

When the Chief Executive is the Child's Representative for the NDIS, an independent person may be involved to facilitate the child's and family's participation in decision making, where appropriate, regarding NDIS access, NDIS planning and sourcing of providers.

Free hearing test

Sound Scouts

Children use hearing to learn about the world around them and develop their communication skills. Test a child's hearing by downloading the free government-funded Sound Scouts app.