Support if you have a disability

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for people with disability.

A disability can be any condition or impairment (or combination of impairments) that:

  • is permanent or likely to be permanent (even if it comes and goes in episodes)
  • significantly impacts your ability to communicate, participate in social situations, learn, move or care for yourself.

Child Safety is committed to ensuring that if you may be eligible for the NDIS, you are supported to make an access request to the scheme and to implement your NDIS plan if you meet access requirements.

Your Child Safety Officer (CSO) will work with you and your family, carer, residential care worker or a support person you nominate on your access to the NDIS.

More information

Free hearing test

Sound Scouts

Children use hearing to learn about the world around them and develop their communication skills. Test a child's hearing by downloading the free government-funded Sound Scouts app.