Prevention and early intervention

The Queensland Government promotes a positive vision for all children, young people and their families. This vision states that the community will strive together to produce the following outcomes for children, young people and their families:

  • children and young people are nurtured, healthy, safe and realise their full potential
  • families are strong, valued in their nurturing role, and capable of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people
  • communities and services (for example, child care services, schools and community health services) are safe, healthy, inclusive and supportive of children, young people and their families.

It is recognised that some children, young people and their families require additional assistance to achieve these outcomes. Effective prevention and early intervention services can make a difference when provided at the right time.

The department focuses on three levels of prevention and early intervention:

  • primary prevention services - universal services relevant to the whole of the community
  • secondary prevention services - programs targeted to children, young people and their families with identified risks
  • intensive and specialist prevention services - available for children, young people and their families who are at high risk of entering the statutory system (once a child or young person enters the child protection system, they come under the care of our department).