
Deidre Mulkerin

Deidre Mulkerin
Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services

Deidre Mulkerin commenced as Director-General of the former Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women in February 2020. Following Machinery-of-Government changes in November 2020, Deidre's departmental responsibilities shifted when she became the Director-General of the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs. In May 2023, following a movement of departmental responsibilities, Deidre has continued as Director-General for the now Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (DCSSDS).

Throughout Deidre's career she has had extensive experience in a range of social services roles, including being a frontline officer in child protection and youth justice, managing regional operations and progressing to senior executive roles. Deidre has led work across a number of different sectors in areas such as child protection, youth justice, education, housing and domestic and family violence.

Deidre has dedicated her career to making a difference to the lives of those within each sector she has worked in, including a focus on the impacts for children, young people and families. Deidre continues to show her commitment to this in her role as Director-General, and has a clear passion for ensuring that the voices of people with lived experience is a key priority when considering the services and initiatives the department delivers.

With historic reforms, such as Path to Treaty, being recognised, Deidre remains dedicated to walking alongside our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, partners and communities to give the space for true partnership in decision-making.

Supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce and community is something Deidre has committed to throughout her career, acknowledging the importance of hearing and understanding the needs and experiences of people from all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

As a person living with disability, Deidre is committed to empowering people to live and thrive in accessible communities, where they are respected, included and valued, to live their lives to the fullest.