Networks and peak bodies

Our partner peak bodies and representative networks are funded to provide capability building, research and advice, and dissemination of information.

CREATE Foundation

CREATE Foundation is a national organisation with offices in every state, expressly established to advocate for children and young people in care. CREATE Foundation connects with and empowers children and young people in care and seeks to improve the 'care system' through activities, programs, training and policy advice. CREATE Foundation performs an important role in providing an avenue for feedback from children and young people regarding their 'care' experiences and recommendations for change.

Queensland Foster and Kinship Care

Queensland Foster and Kinship Care provides support and advocacy to foster and kinship carers throughout Queensland including recognition of long serving carers and promotion of the value and benefits of foster care.

PeakCare Queensland

PeakCare Queensland promotes excellence in the development and delivery of non-government services for the protection and care of children and young people and the support of their families. PeakCare is managed by a Board of Governance. Members of PeakCare are service providers across the child protection continuum from family support to child placement.

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak Limited

The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak Limited's (QATSICPP) mission is to develop policies and strategies to lead, resource and build the capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander agencies who work alongside parents, families and communities to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

Family Inclusion Network

The Family Inclusion Network is a network of parents and Brisbane NGOs who believe the voices of families matter and who facilitate opportunities for parents and kin to be advocates for children and themselves on issues that affect their lives. They bring together government agencies and representatives, parents and extended family members to work collaboratively on policies and issues that affect families.