Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child protection services

The aim for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child protection service delivery in Queensland is to ensure accessibility, cultural appropriateness and responsiveness across the child protection continuum for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people and families.

To assist with achieving this aim, the department funds Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations to deliver Family Wellbeing and Family Participation Program services.

Family Wellbeing services are funded to resource and directly assist families through practical support that results in children not having to enter the statutory system. This program places an emphasis on early intervention approaches with families that are vulnerable or at risk of entering the child protection system.

Family Participation Program services support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to participate in child protection decisions that affect their lives. A key function of Family Participation Program services is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family-led decision making.

These processes can help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families take the lead in determining who attends the meeting and in developing plans that keep children safe, or identify family members who can care for the child or children. The Family Participation Program recognises that children and families have the best knowledge about the strengths and risks that exist in their own families and communities.

Family Participation Program workers can also support Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander families in any contact Child Safety, to help children and families be involved in decisions.

Further information

For further information regarding Indigenous Child Protection services, please email the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child and Family Unit - familywellbeing@communities.qld.gov.au.