Our community partners

  • Networks and peak bodies

    Our partner peak bodies and representative networks are funded to provide capability building, research and advice, and dissemination of information.

  • Placement services

    A range of services are required to respond to the different levels of support needs of a child or young person.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child protection services

    The aim for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child protection service delivery in Queensland is to ensure accessibility, cultural appropriateness and responsiveness across the child protection continuum for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.

  • Family support

    The aim of family support services is to improve the safety and wellbeing of children in their home and reduce the need for children to enter or re-enter the statutory system. Services work with vulnerable and at risk families to strengthen their capability, parenting skills and resilience.

  • Child protection tertiary support services

    Support services provide assistance to children, young people and families who are referred by Child Safety Services for a range of interventions that focus on the assessed needs of children and families.