Department sponsorship

The Queensland Government provides sponsorship towards significant events and initiatives that have the ability to create positive change for Queensland and Queenslanders.

Sponsorship is available to businesses, associations, local councils and not-for-profits to deliver significant initiatives and events in Queensland.

How to apply

Sponsorship requests can be submitted via the Queensland Government sponsorship gateway.

Applicants should demonstrate how the initiative or event:

  • aligns with current government objectives and initiatives
  • delivers economic benefits
  • leverages opportunities for the government.

Applications can be made at any time, however it is recommended requests are made with adequate time ahead of the event to enable consultation and assessment, to maximise the potential for a mutually beneficial partnership.

How applications are assessed

Applications will be assessed for their strategic merit and alignment to the selection criteria and objectives of the government.

Consideration will also be given to local needs, emerging issues, potential leveraging opportunities and available alternate sources of funding.

The level of assistance is limited by government's budget and its priorities.

No applicant can be guaranteed funding nor can any applicant be guaranteed to receive the full amount requested.

More information

For more information, visit or email