Non-Government organisation access to interpreting services

Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) that have service agreements with the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services have free access to interpreting services funded by the department for services to clients.

The cost of interpreting services are not included in the funding provided by the department under the service agreement. Instead, the department is invoiced directly by Translating and Interpreting Service providers for the services they provide to NGOs. This reduces the administrative burden on NGOs.

Our panel of providers currently includes:

This arrangement covers services funded by the department, including those within the following Investment areas:

For existing services established prior to 2023-24, the department has provided the Translating and Interpreting Service providers with information to enable access for eligible NGOs. Existing funded services can contact these providers directly to request bookings or access on-demand services, and will need to note:

  • Status as a service funded by DCSSDS
  • The service outlet name (the service name listed on your current Funding Schedule)
  • The service outlet number, if known (this is listed on your current Funding Schedule).

The Translating and Interpreting Service providers then invoice the department directly for charges incurred.

New NGOs or existing NGOs with new services funded by the department can apply for access by contacting with the following information:

  • Service Name
  • Service Contact Person
  • Service Contact Email
  • Contact Phone
  • Service Postal Address
  • Service Outlet Number/s (if known).