Blue cards and exemption cards for Licensed Care Services

In order to receive and maintain a licence, people involved with a licensed care service are required to be suitable to undertake their role within that service.

We have developed a Suitability and Screening Requirements for Child Safety Licensed Services: A guide for non-government organisations (PDF, 431 KB) Suitability and Screening Requirements for Child Safety Licensed Services: A guide for non-government organisations (DOCX, 359 KB) to clarify the screening requirements for different roles within a care service.

Blue Cards

Certain persons associated with licensed care services (persons in regulated employment) are required to hold a blue card or exemption card issued by the Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG).

Exemption cards are applicable to registered teachers and police officers proposing to start or continue to be licensees and directors of a licensed care service.

Nominees or directors

This form is to be completed by people who are, or are applying to be, a nominee (paid or volunteer) or director of a licensed care service and returned to Child Safety Licensing:

This form is to be completed by a blue/exemption card applicant/cardholder to advise they are undertaking a new or additional child-related activity as a nominee or director:

Paid employees

This form is to be completed by paid employees of a licensed care service and returned to DJAG:

This form is to be completed by a blue/exemption card applicant/cardholder to advise they are undertaking a new or additional child-related activity as a paid employee

For paid employee authorisations, use the Link a person to your organisation (PDF, 190 KB)