Our government partners

  • Department of Education

    We partner with the Department of Education to provide quality education to support school-age children who are in care.

  • Queensland Health

    We partner with Queensland Health to provide quality health services to children in care.

  • Queensland Police Service

    We partner with the Queensland Police to respond jointly where a child protection matter may also include the commission of a criminal offence.

  • Evolve Program

    Evolve Therapeutic Services (ETS) is a Queensland Health tertiary mental health service, providing mental health assessment and intervention to meet the therapeutic needs of children and young people in care.

  • Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) Team System

    The purpose of the SCAN team system is to enable a coordinated, multi-agency response to children where statutory intervention is required to assess and meet their protection needs.

  • The Director of Child Protection Litigation

    The Director of Child Protection Litigation is an independent statutory agency in the Department of Justice and Attorney-General portfolio established to make decisions as to which matters will be the subject of a child protection order application and what type of child protection order will be sought, as well as litigate the applications.

  • Child Protection Guide

    The Child Protection Guide (CPG) is a web-based decision support tool collaboratively developed across both the government and non-government sector.