Report child abuse

If you believe a child is in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation call Triple Zero (000).

If you have a reason to suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm, or is at risk of experiencing harm or being neglected, contact Child Safety Services Centres and talk to someone about your concerns:

  • During normal business hours - contact the Regional Intake Service.
  • After hours and on weekends - contact the Child Safety After Hours Service Centre on 1800 177 135. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When you report a concern to Child Safety Services

You will be asked to provide information to help work out the best way to respond to the situation. It is important for you to call to report your concerns and to provide as much detail as possible. Even if you do not have all the details, your information may be critical in helping to keep a child safe.

Your details are kept confidential and your identity is strictly protected. You are able to remain anonymous if you wish, however it is preferable for you to provide your details so that the officer can call you if information needs to be clarified.

Read more about what happens when a report is made.

Family support services

If you would like information about family support services and how to access them, you can contact Family and Child Connect.

Family and Child Connect is a local, community-based service that helps families to care for and protect their children at home, by connecting them to the right services at the right time.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Wellbeing Services make it easier for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in communities across Queensland to access support to improve their social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, and help them to safely care for and protect their children.

All Family Wellbeing Services are delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations ensuring the support available is culturally safe and appropriate.

Not sure who to call?

If you aren't sure who to call, or for assistance to locate your nearest child safety service centre, contact Child Safety Services' Enquiries Unit on 1800 811 810.

Child Safety Service Centres and Regional Intake Services have professionally trained child protection staff who are skilled in dealing with information about harm or risk of harm to children.

Working in government or for a non-government agency?

If you are a professional working in a government or non-government agency, you can report your concerns to Child Safety Services by telephone or via the online reporting form.

The Child Protection Guide is an online decision-support tool designed to assist professionals with concerns about a child's safety or well-being in making decisions about where to report or refer their concerns.

If a professional decides the child is at risk of becoming a child in need of protection, a report needs to be made to Child Safety Services.

If the decision is that the family requires support to prevent the child from becoming a child in need of protection, a referral needs to be made to Family and Child Connect or another family support service.